Chaoyang to demolish 5.7 mln ㎡ of illegal buildings in 2019

2019-01-08 16:02 千龙网

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In 2019, Beijing’s Chaoyang District plans to demolish no less than 5.7 million square meters of illegal buildings, in an effort to build a number of subdistricts and townships with zero illegal buildings, said the district’s authorities on January 7, 2019.

Focusing on its functional positioning, Chaoyang District will continuously deepen the removal of non-capital functions, with a plan to shut down 26 general manufacturing enterprises and upgrade nine commodity trading markets and two regional logistics bases. It will crack down on 339 illegal behaviors of “tearing down exterior walls of apartments”, 1,945 unlicensed businesses and 127 road-occupying businesses, conduct the environmental restoration of 548 civil air defenses and manage 13 basement apartments.

In 2018, Chaoyang District fully implemented the tasks and measures of the special campaign of “removing non-capital functions from the city and improving urban management”. It demolished 10.17 million square meters of illegal buildings, upgraded 39 commodity trading markets, closed 36 general manufacturing enterprises, removed 16 regional logistics centers and renewable resource stations, and managed 289 rental compounds and apartments. The district’s environmental outlook has been significantly improved as the district cracked down on 1,832 illegal behaviors of “tearing down exterior walls of apartments”, 5,056 unlicensed businesses, 1,705 group-renting households and 325 underground spaces, built 540 lanes with zero “tearing down exterior walls of apartments” and managed 336 lanes throughout the year.

责任编辑:Ai Ting(QN0043)

