Beijing to build over 600 beautiful villages in 2019

2019-01-14 16:52 千龙网

打印 放大 缩小

Beijing will build over 600 beautiful villages in 2019, according to Su Weidong, an official from Beijing Municipal Commission of Rural Affairs on January 13, 2019.

With the start of the rural vitalization plan in 2018, Beijing has completed the improvement of 1,081 villages’ living environment all year round.

Meanwhile, Beijing has compiled village planning for them. About 60 percent of the 1,081 villages will be forged into beautiful villages this year.

In 2019, Beijing will carry forward the rural living environment improvement for another 1,000 villages.

Su said, Beijing will have completed the living environment improvement for all its 3,930 villages by 2020 and achieve a periodical results of the construction of beautiful villages.

According to Su, the rural vitalization plan has three steps. Step One is to improve the rural living environment and make it clean, tidy and orderly.

Step Two is to build a beautiful village and perfect infrastructure and public facilities, including sewage treatment and garbage classification.

Step Three is to realize rural vitalization, foster dominant industries and lead farmers to increase incomes and become rich.


