Beijing sub-center to strengthen talent construction

2019-01-19 09:57

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来源标题:Beijing sub-center to strengthen talent construction

The launch of Beijing sub-center in Tongzhou has attracted wide attention, and deputies to the second session of the 15th Beijing Municipal People's Congress are offering advices on boosting employment and fostering the talent pool in the new administrative area.

Creating more than 15,000 jobs in 2019

"There will be many employment opportunities in the process of building the city's sub-center, and there will also be a strong demand for labor forces in townships and rural areas," said Dong Lixin, a deputy from the Human Resource and Social Security Bureau of Tongzhou district . "I believe that job placements should be tailored to suit the needs of different kinds of people, and the demand for jobs should also be specified in detail."

To match job positions with job seekers, the Human Resource and Social Security Bureau of Tongzhou district last year coordinated with construction companies to specify post responsibilities and requirements. The bureau also hosted job fairs for the new projects in the sub-center, including the new administrative office area of Beijing. Meanwhile, to learn about the basic conditions and the job preferences of those who are with employment difficulties, the bureau established a set of personal service archives, with which the job seeker's interest is matched with available job positions.

This year, the bureau will continue to work with key construction projects such as the administrative office area, the canal business district, and major city-level hospitals and industrial parks, and strive to create more jobs in urban management. In total, it plans to open up more than 40,000 jobs in Tongzhou, of which 15,000 are new positions. In the next two to three years, with the relocation of Dongzhimen Hospital and Beijing People's Hospital, along with the launch of key projects such as the Universal Theme Park, the bureau plans to create another 30,000 new jobs.

The government of Tongzhou district will increase the amount of subsidies in the field of public welfare employment, so that it can promote those with employment difficulties to find jobs. It will also expand the scope of subsidies in urban public service sectors to cover the whole district.

Training more than 50,000 people

Deputy Kang Wei, head of Beijing Performing Arts Group, said that in addition to a strong need for professional personnel in planning and screenwriting, there will also be a large need for professionals in general assistance and logistical support. Kang said that he hopes Beijing Performing Arts Group can absorb local labor forces to employment, and cultivate skilled personnel.

To that end, the Human Resource and Social Security Bureau of Tongzhou district has formulated a "Three-year Action Plan for Skills Upgrading and Training for Urban and Rural Labor Forces" and plans to train at least 50,000 people in the next three years. It also plans to introduce high-quality vocational training institutions, and enhance the employability of workers as well as their capacities of switching occupations. According to the action plan, all types of municipal state-owned enterprises or government departments at all levels in the district can apply for subsidies for employee training. The standard amount of subsidies is 1,000 yuan (US$148) per person.

Bringing in more talents

Tongzhou also made progress in its talent reserve. Tongzhou National Human Resource Service Sub-park has begun trial operation, and 34 institutions have confirmed to open up offices there. Of the sum, 12 have completed industrial and commercial registration procedures. When the park officially opens, its occupancy rate is expected to exceed 80 percent, and the scale of tax revenue in the first year after the opening of the park could reach more than 50 million yuan.

Tongzhou will also host large-scale summits in the human resource service industry, and it will regularly discuss hot issues or trends and publish indices within the industry.

In addition, Tongzhou is looking to break employment barriers such as education background and technical titles. The district will highlight its regional features and focus on bringing in "high-end" talents in four major fields: administrative work, high-end commerce, cultural creativity, and scientific and technological innovation. It will carry out evaluation of high-end leading talents and senior engineers, and continue to strengthen talents construction of personnel in non-public sectors.

责任编辑:Ai Ting(QN0043)

